

October 7, 2011 (Friday)
”pic “Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterward.” -Vernon Law
Life is full of these little pop tests, isn’t it?
Sort of makes for stressful days and sensitive feelings, making one upset and worried at times.
What do you do to calm down?
I saw a list of things to do that were suggested by someone whose ideas were pretty good. Stuff about breathing right, exercising, playing, and praying. One of the things on the list: “Find some water.”
I was glad to see that suggestion, because water is readily available, especially here in Rockport. One of the places I walk occasionally is on the Rockport beach, about a mile of territory nestled between the ski basin and Aransas Bay.
From my house, I can drive north alongside Little Bay to the causeway that crosses Copano Bay where it meets Aransas Bay, and keep going to St. Charles Bay, or I can go east to Aransas Bay, down to Redfish Bay and over to the Gulf of Mexico. If I go west, I can cross Copano Bay and get into Mission Bay or swerve to the left and get into Port Bay. Going South will take me to Corpus Christi Bay, and on into Laguna Madre. So there’s “Water, water everywhere” in spite of the drought. If finding water calms the soul, we in Rockport should be models of tranquility.

I haven’t been fishing in years, but just looking at the water seems to satisfy my soul. Stir in a few Pelicans and Sandpipers and yes, even the Gulls, along with hundreds of other feathered friends and it’s hard to stay angry or worried.
How do you feel today? Not so good? Try this. Find some water. The Lord made it easy for you. There’s a whole lot of water on Earth! Something like 326 million trillion gallons of it. ­The oceans are huge. About 70 percent of the planet is covered in ocean, and the average depth of the ocean is several thousand feet.
How do you feel today? Great? Wonderful! Find some water anyway. You’ll feel even better.