The God of Hope

Finds, Frees and Fills You

September 27, 2011 (Tuesday)
”picIn Romans 15:13, the Apostle Paul writes of “The God of Hope.” What an encouragement. We need hope. When hope is lost, all is lost.
I well remember the day in 1979 when Wanda had cancer surgery and was not given a good prognosis for recovery. She felt her doctor’s attitude was depressing, and so she told him: “Doctor, you need to work on your bedside manner. People need hope.” Being a fine man himself, he accepted her remarks and continued to treat her, resulting in a full recovery.
The great old song that we all love, “Amazing Grace,” has a line that declares, “I once was lost, but now am found.” As a person who was lost, I had no hope. But as a person who has been found, I have hope. The God of hope sought me and found me. And gave me hope.
The God of hope freed me from my determination to live without hope, and therefore freed me from the chains of despair and despondency which had been my lot. Paul said he was the slave of Christ, and he was, but the paradox is that when you surrender yourself to Christ voluntarily, he willingly and joyfully sets you free to become your best self, and you can live with hope.
The God of hope fills the hearts and lives of those who are willing to empty themselves of sin and negative thinking. Many times I hear people saying when asked if they would like more coffee, “Just half a cup.” Sometimes we say that to God, “Fill my cup, Lord, but only halfway.” Maximum joy comes to you as you are filled with the Holy Spirit and with the hope that only God can give.
People need hope, and God offers it freely.