More about change

It happens

June 9, 2011 (Thursday)
”picThe previous two blogs were about the Civil War; I was led to the subject by the rediscovery of the April 1961 issue of National Georgraphic Magazine. Today I was reminiscing quite a bit as I thumbed through the old magazine and was attracted to the ads. Some of the products are still available, but others are rarely seen now.
Many products and brand names are still on the market but no longer made in America. They are now manufactured in some other country.
Some things have just disappeared entirely, because daily life has changed and they are no longer required. Here are a few, either gone completely or greatly diminished in supply: standard upright typewriters, fountain pens that used liquid ink, ink wells in student desks, vinyl records and their players, juke boxes of the old type, drip coffee makers, most percolators, film for cameras, eight track tapes and players, and on the list goes.
Most of what has disappeared is not missed. It isn’t here because it became outdated and was no longer needed. Some of what we once enjoyed or endured is gone and we think it’s good riddance, like old highways that were not paved and turned to mud when it rained, or old gravel roads that were better than mud or sand but were responsible for many broken windshields. And who longs for those hot, humid days when there was no such thing as air conditioning? I’m sure we could compile a list of things we don’t miss.
The fact of the matter is that life is continually changing. If that bothers you, try to get over it.