Too much knowledge?

Maybe sometimes it’s better not to know

May 17, 2011 (Tuesday)
”picFor $700, you can get a blood test in Great Britain that will tell you how long you have to live.
We already have the capabilities of determining whether a baby will be male or female long before it is born. We can also know about the health of the baby before birth.
DNA research is making it possible for people to know ahead of time whether they may come down with certain diseases.
Sperm banks choose anonymous fathers who have been categorized according to intelligence and/or physical agility, or so I’ve heard (or was that on the Syfy channel?).
So what’s next in the magical bag of tricks coming from the research labs?
Looking back over my life of 79.75 years, I don’t think I would have wanted any of these kinds of things. It has been exciting, sometimes dangerous, and mysterious as I have faced each day. It makes me think of a poem which features these closing lines:
“So on I go, not knowing.
I would not if I might.
I’d rather walk in the dark with God
Than go on alone in the light.”
Or something like that.
If you like, read the news about the blood test by clicking here