Obedient servants of God
May 6, 2011 (Friday)
Since I sort of wrote about demons yesterday, I thought I might write about angels today..sort of.
I don’t consider myself an expert on either subject. Let me make that perfectly clear. Actually, it’s probably only one subject: angels. The Bible speaks of “The Son of Man and his holy angels” (Matthew 25:31) and “The devil and his angels” (Matthew 25:41). I wrote a little about the bad kind yesterday (demons) so I’ll write about the good ones today.
Angels are created beings. They are not human beings who died and were transformed into angels. There is no such teaching in the Bible. Humans and Angels are separate creations of God.
The angels of God are perfect servants. They do what God tells them to do. They always obey. Jude tells us that those who disobeyed are being punished (Jude 1:6). They will spend eternity in a place reserved for the devil and his angels.
The angels are mentioned in the Old Testament and New Testament. We do not pray to them and we do not depend upon them directly. We pray directly to our Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit. If the angels are instrumental in some way in our lives, their actions are the result of God’s will for them.
I’m sure I know a lot more about this than I’m letting on, but the entire subject of angels — good and bad — is shrouded in mystery, at least for me. I encourage you to read the Bible and good books by responsible people on the subject. Study well, and when you are ready to tell me what you know about the subject, please give me a call.