
Doubt or Faith?

April 28, 2011 (Thursday)
”picAre you a “Doubting Thomas?” That description of one of Jesus’ disciples has endured for more than 2000 years and has become a part of our vocabulary. But does “Doubting Thomas” really describe the man?
Thomas surely began his walk with Jesus with faith that was as strong as that of any of the other disciples. When the disciples are named, Thomas’ name is right there with the rest of them, all believers with a firm commitment to Jesus, with big plans, believing nothing was impossible as they followed their teacher and leader.
The disciples, however, faced disappointments and disillusionment. All of the disciples fled when Jesus was arrested. Thomas was among them.
After the resurrection of Jesus, he appeared to the disciples, but Thomas was not present. When they told Thomas of Jesus being alive again, risen from death, he found that news too good to believe. “Unless I see for myself, I cannot believe,” he said.
After one week, Jesus appeared to them again, and Thomas was present. He had no need to feel Jesus’ wounds for himself; seeing Jesus and hearing his words of love were enough. He cried out to Jesus, “My Lord, and my God!” Seems to me “Believing Thomas” would be a better tag if we must label him.
We all have our moments of weakness and doubt, even anger against God. But those experiences are bits and pieces of our growth as Christians. In our finer moments, we express our faith gladly. We can learn a lot from Thomas.