
May 12, 2020 (Tuesday)

I almost always write a blog that stands on its own regardless of which president I write about on Tuesdays. Today’s president is Harry S. Truman. I’m taking my clue for a blog subject from him. My history professor was very young, not much older than the members of our class, and his father was a well-known history professor at the same school. Consequently, for some reason the class members felt like he was more or less one of us. I guess that’s why we felt so free to laugh out loud when he predicted that Harry Truman would go down in history as a great president. Turns out the prof was right and our faces are red.

I think the outstanding characteristic of Truman was his decisiveness.
His office displayed a motto, “The Buck stops here.” He made some decisions as president that others considered very bold. He made those decisions because they were his to make and he did not shrink from his duty.

Many of us could probably live happier lives if we would follow Davy Crockett’s advice: “Be sure you’re right then go ahead.” Strong leaders are decisive people. While few of us aspire to be president, we could probably enjoy our lives more if we would think things through, make the decision and then live with it, not looking back and second-guessing ourselves.

Jesus taught us to be kind and forgiving, but He did not suggest that we become indecisive, never feeling secure in our actions, especially if other people oppose what we have decided to do. When Jesus’ ministry was coming to a close, He went to Jerusalem fully aware that his going there would result in His suffering and death, but knowing full well that His willingness to die was the key to saving the world. His disciples noted His demeanor as they journeyed toward Jerusalem; his face was steadfastly set toward Jerusalem like a flint (Isa 50:7; Luke 9:51); He had made His decision. He later agonized in prayer in Gethsemane as the Cross loomed nearer, but He never wavered; the decision had been made.

The world has had enough of the shades of grey; we crave black and white, good and bad, right and wrong, sweet and sour, high and low, harsh and kind, taking and giving, and God wants us to know the difference.

Michael Card

I have decided,
I’m gonna live like a believer,
Turn my back on the deceiver,
I’m gonna live what I believe.

I have decided,
Being good is just a fable,
I just can’t ’cause I’m not able.
I’m gonna leave it to the Lord.

There’s a wealth of things that I profess,
I said that I believed,
But deep inside I never changed;
I guess I’d been deceived.

‘Cause a voice inside kept telling me,
That I’d change by and by,
But the Spirit made it clear to me,
That kind of life’s a lie.

I have decided,
I’m gonna live like a believer,
Turn my back on the deceiver,
I’m gonna live what I believe.

I have decided,
Being good is just a fable,
I just can’t ’cause I’m not able.
I’m gonna leave it to the Lord.

So forget the game of being good,
And your self-righteous pain.
‘Cause the only good inside your heart
Is the good that Jesus brings.

And when the world begins to see you change,
Don’t expect them to applaud.
Just keep your eyes on Him and tell yourself,
I’ve become the work of God.

I have decided,
I’m gonna live like a believer,
Turn my back on the deceiver,
I’m gonna live what I believe.

I have decided,
Being good is just a fable,
I just can’t ’cause I’m not able.
I’m gonna leave it to the Lord.

I have decided,
I’m gonna live like a believer,
Turn my back on the deceiver,
I’m gonna live what I believe.

I have decided,
Being good is just a fable,
I just can’t ’cause I’m not able.
I’m gonna leave it to the Lord.

I have decided,
I’m gonna live like a believer,
Turn my back on the deceiver,
I’m gonna live what I believe.

At the close of each Tuesday blog I write about the presidents, in the order of their service.

Today’s president is

Harry S. Truman – 33rd President