That Final Week – Wednesday

Day 4

April 20, 2011 (Wednesday)
picture of CharlesThe Bible is silent about Wednesday of that final week. Tuesday was such a busy day, I will write more about it today.
We left Jesus in the Temple, confronting the religious leaders and accusing them of great hypocrisy. They feared the people, and did not arrest or harm Jesus, but in their hearts were planning to do so at the first opportunity.
From the Temple, Jesus went out to the Mount of Olives, where he taught about things to come, like the destruction of the Temple, end time events, and His coming in power and glory. Then they departed again for Bethany.
Dinner that evening at Bethany was in the house of Simon the Leper, but Martha was still serving, and Mary was seated at the feet of Jesus. Jesus spoke of his immanent death at the hands of the rulers. At some point Mary brought out a box of very expensive ointment and anointed the feet of Jesus with it. The aroma filled the house.
Judas, a disciple of Jesus, was angry over what he called, “a waste.” He asked why the ointment was not sold so that the money could be given to the destitute? Jesus replied, “Let Mary alone. She has anointed me for my burial.” Indeed, his burial was just a few days away.
Judas, in frustration and anger, left Bethany and went to the Jewish rulers to ask them, “How much will you pay me for betraying Jesus to you?” They settled for 30 pieces of silver, Judas would let them know when Jesus would be unprotected and would point him out to them with a kiss.
On Thursday, Jesus would meet with the disciples for the Passover, and their lives would never be the same again.