..Major storm next week?..

America’s coasts are crowded with people.

August 16, 2007 (Thursday) –  The first act stars a gal by the name of Erin. So far, she is mild-mannered, but you never know about these uninvited guests.  Sometimes they have hissy fits while visiting.
The second act comes next week.  The star is a guy named Dean.  From what I’ve heard, he’s a real meany.  Of course, like all bullies, he is very secretive about his true plans.  He expects us to be ready for him, but he won’t tell us whether he’s coming to our place or someone else’s.  So crude and discourteous.  I’d just as soon he didn’t come here.  But I wouldn’t wish him off on any friend or family member in another town. (The 5-day forecast).
Won’t be long and the show will be over.  But there’ll be other shows, other stars, other acts. 

More than half of all Americans live in a coastal county
.  The density of the population in coastal counties is three times as great as the density of population across the country. Kinda makes you wonder if we know what we’re doing, doesn’t it?
In Noah’s day, people went about their lives as usual, right up to the day it started raining. Then everything changed forever.   Make no mistake about it, a hurricane must be taken seriously.
Here’s hoping we make it through another year without a major storm.  But, if we don’t, we will emerge with our faith intact, and our spirits strong
Read Dale Pogue’s, “The Muse Is Loose”