
Pray for the people there

March 14, 2011 (Monday)
”picif there was ever a need to pray for people, the need exists today in Japan. First, there was the earthquake, measured by some Japanese sources as 9.0. Buildings were shaken apart and thousands were injured or killed. Then there was the Tsunami, which did even more damage as water rolled in from the ocean across populated areas. The films of this were unprecedented. As if enough trouble had not come already, damaged nuclear power plants began leaking radiation, and efforts are underway to try and contain them. Thousands of people have been evacuated from regions that might be affected by radiation. It would tax a horror movie to provide as much danger fictionally. This is reality. The casualty count will undoubtedly exceed predictions. Let us pray for the people of Japan. It will be a long time before life for them can return to normal.
If you want to help, you can call a published number and give automatically. You can give to one of many organizations set up to give aid, and doubtless your church will have a special way to help through existing mission organizations.
Earthquakes are a part of Japan’s history. It is now known that the geology of the area makes them inevitable. There is, however, no place on this earth that is entirely free of danger. Hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, tornadoes, etc. ravage the countryside and cities around the world. The nature of the the earth with its geological plates make future earthquakes to be expected. Where then is our security in this world? It is in the Lord. We put our trust in Him. We cannot be guaranteed complete physical safety or immunity from any other type of trouble in this life. But we can be free of fear by trusting the Lord. He is our peace. He will be with us no matter what happens to us.