Questions Answered In Heaven

May 5, 2020 (Tuesday)

An old hymn says, “We will understand it better bye and bye.” The hymn in our blog today says, “This side of Heaven we know in part” and then says, “We’ll talk it over in the bye and bye.”

I have a feeling that one glimpse of Jesus will give us, instantaneously, answers to all our questions and solutions to all our problems. For the sake of a very good song by Ira Stanphill, however, I will go along with the idea of sitting down with Jesus and talking about the way things happened when we were on earth.

Heaven is perfect, and who are we to argue with perfection? I believe that our understanding about why events in our lifetime unfolded as they did will be perfectly clear. I think we will instinctively know why life dealt us some hard blows. We won’t ask why. We will just know when we see the love in Jesus’ eyes.

When we are trying to understand or explain what the will of God involves, we have to revert to our human ways of thinking. But when we get to Heaven, we will be enabled to see ourselves as God sees us.

In the meantime, we can look forward to talking things over with the Lord when we get to Heaven.

Ira Stanphill

We’ll talk it over in the bye and bye.
We’ll talk it over, my Lord and I.
I’ll ask the reasons – He’ll tell me why,
When we talk it over in the bye and bye.

Tho’ shadows deepen, and my heart bleeds,
I will not question the way He leads;
This side of Heaven we know in part,
I will not question a broken heart.

I’ll trust His leading, He’ll never fail,
Thru darkest tunnels or misty vales.
Obey his bidding and faithful be,
Tho’ only one step ahead I see.

I’ll hide my heartache behind a smile
And wait for reasons ’til after while.
And tho’ He try me, I know I’ll find
That all my burdens are silver lined.

At the close of each Tuesday blog I write about the presidents, in the order of their service.

Today’s president is
Franklin Delano Roosevelt – The 32nd President