
No matter the circumstances

February 21, 2011 (Monday)
”picThe Apostle Paul was in prison at Rome. In those days, there was no such concept as “prisoners’ rights,” so we can only imagine how awful and degrading his living conditions were. Suffice it to say he was having a hard time. From that prison he wrote these words:

“I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:11-13 NIV).

Paul was not normally what one would call a “contented” person. When he was opposed by those who insisted that human effort instead of the grace of God would suffice for salvation, he was certainly not content to stand idly by and say nothing. Indeed, he vociferously debated such persons almost everywhere he went. He was not content to stand by and watch people miss God’s salvation without giving them the good news that Salvation is in Christ, by grace through faith. No, he would not be content at times, when it came to standing firm for the true gospel.
When the issue at hand was his own personal comfort, however, he has stated his position clearly. He was content with his circumstances, whatever they were. How was he able to adjust like that? Well, Charles Spurgeon mentioned in a sermon that Paul was a man who had “no self remaining.” His one and only concern in life was to let the world know about the grace of God in Christ. Personal comforts were never on his mind, even when he was ill. When he was sick, he refused to feel sorry for himself, and grieved about his illness only because it hindered the spread of the Word of God.
What a man! His main concern right up to the day he was beheaded by Nero was getting the gospel of Christ to as many people as possible. We can learn a lot from his example. I need to ask myself, “What is my main concern today?” Perhaps every Christian should do the same.