How big is your world?

January 18, 2011 (Tuesday)
”picAn interesting fact about an ancient Babylonian map (about 600 B.C.) is the omission of Persians and Egyptians from the drawings. They were hated by the Babylonians, and therefore not included on the maps. The Babylonians were saying to those they hated or ignored, “You people are not a part of our world!”
Now for a moment of truth. Don’t we all do that? Aren’t we inclined to live in our own personal world? Aren’t there people out there that are not part of our world, without a chance of becoming part of our world?
I’ve heard of studies which have shown that the number of people who know us well enough to acknowledge us when we die is 250. Of course, the longer we live, the fewer that number becomes, as the mortality rate increases.
Of the six billion people in the world today, you probably know 250 well enough to consider them a part of your own personal world, if the experts are correct.
Making others a part of your world is your privilege and responsibility as a human being, and especially as a Christian. The number of people in your world can increase today. It’s up to you. You can reach out to others. Jesus did. So can we. He said, “As the Father has sent me, so send I you.” Every day we pass them by, people who need the Lord.
“To have a friend, be a friend.” Make others a part of your world. Update your map.