Cold ’nuff fer ye?

January 13, 2011 (Thursday)
”picThere is snow on the ground today in 49 of our 50 states. Only Florida has no snow today. Even Hawaii has snow. Of course, the snow is on top of a mountain, but it counts.
No snow in Rockport and temperature in the 40’s during the day. Does not compare with the bitter cold weather others are experiencing, but it’s cold enough for me. Let me rephrase that–it’s too cold for me. But there’s not much I can do about it, except try to stay warm.
As far as weather is concerned, we take what we get, don’t we? We adjust.
The weather can serve as an object lesson about everything in life. We take what we get. We learn to adjust. If we were in control of all life on earth, we would eliminate all the unpleasant things. Or would we? Could we?
Someone much more powerful than any of us frail humans is in charge. We have learned to believe with all our hearts that God is at work in our lives. We don’t understand why some things happen, but do we really think we could do a better job than God is doing?
When we get to Heaven, we will not have to ask questions about the way life was here on earth. When we see Jesus, all our questions will fade away. Listen to the words of Dottie Rambo’s beautiful song:

“O we shall behold Him, we shall behold Him
Face to face in all of His glory
O we shall behold Him, yes we shall behold Him
Face to face, our Savior and Lord”