..God formed the earth..

Our planet is really a unique place.

August 9, 2007 (Thursday) – The vastness of the universe and the possiblity of other universes beyond this one has caused many people to believe that Earth is not the only world that hosts living beings. We don’t know what lies beyond our universe, but what we have seen of this one leaves us speechless as our instruments explore space and find innumerable stars, planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and many other phenomena. Many question why anyone would think that life exists only on our earth.
I’m not willing to say that no life exists out there, but neither am I sure that it does. We cannot prove that something does not exist. Neither can we prove it does exist until we have evidence. The immensity of the universe and the existence of stars, etc. in overwhelming numbers is impressive, but not conclusive proof that anyone is living out there.
Our planet is really a unique place. There is not only life here, it exists in over one million species. The Bible tells us that God brought it all into existence: “For thus saith the LORD Who created the heavens, God Himself Who formed the Earth and made it; He hath established it, He created it not in vain, He formed it to be inhabited; I am the LORD, and there is none else.” Isaiah 45: 18 KJV
There exists now a theory called the “Goldilocks theory.” Goldilocks described things as “just right.” The earth has many characteristics that are “just right” to sustain life. They are:
1. Water is everywhere. We can’t live without it.
2. Lunar tides cleanse the oceans.
3. The earth is just the right size to have correct gravity and atmospheric pressure for life.
4. The earth’s atmosphere sustains life.
5. The earth’s magnetic fields protect it from the sun’s harmful radiation.
6. The shape of the earth’s orbit of the sun maintains correct temperatures.
7. The earth is the right distance from the sun to sustain life.
8. The earth’s orbit of the sun takes 365 days, just right for growing seasons.
9. The earth’s axis is tilted to produce seasons.
10. The earth’s rotation on its own axis creates days and nights that maintain the necessary balances of temperature, etc.
Life could not exist here if even one of these factors were not present. Many believe that these necessities for life on earth came about by chance. Others believe that all these factors taken together are strong evidence of design and purpose. We believers would say, “creation.”
So I repeat the words of yesterday’s blog: “Since we are living by faith anyway, in an incredible universe that abides by physical laws that keep us from living in pure chaos, why not believe in the One who designed it and made it so?” It just makes sense.
Read Dale Pogue’s blog: “The Muse is Loose”