The Nativity Scene

(Repeating a previous blog)

December 10, 2010 (Friday)
”picMany symbols are seen at this time of year: the Christmas tree, mistletoe, holly, colorful packages, etc. One fixture in many homes is the Nativity Scene, representations of the baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Shepherds, etc. Let’s take a look at those people at the manger.
1. The infant Jesus. His birth was miraculous because God became man, and because his mother was a virgin. In Him rest all the hopes of humankind.
2. Mary, the mother of Jesus. She is described in the Bible as a pure woman, full of faith, humble, a willing servant, blessed, joyful. She praised God for the honor of giving birth to the Messiah.
3. Joseph, Jesus’ adopted father. He was a just and honorable man and a man of faith. He was a genuine and obedient servant of the Lord.
4. The Shepherds to whom Angels announced the good news of great joy which would be for all people.
All the others represented in the nativity sets are associated in some way with the Christmas story today but were not at the manger in Bethlehem.
5. The angels who announced the blessed birth.
6. The “wise men,” mysterious men from the East who came with gifts at a later date.
7. The innkeeper and his wife, never mentioned in the Bible, but assumed by some to have existed.
8… Some nativity sets include others, such as the Roman Emperor, whose census brought the holy family to Bethlehem; Herod, who later killed the small children in hopes of destroying the “King of the Jews”; Simeon and Anna, who saw Jesus 6 months later, after looking for him all their lives.
The average nativity set includes these and perhaps others, depending upon the choices of their owners. It’s more important than ever these days to insist that the birth of Jesus is the central event of the “Holiday Season.” Nativity sets remind us of His birth.