Are We “For Real”

March 13, 2020 (Friday)

I found an old scrapbook in the closet. It was compiled by my
stepmother, Dorothy, when I was a kid, getting started in the ministry.

As I turned the huge pages, I came across a medal, inscribed with the
words, “Best Actor.” Best of what? Best of male students in a drama
class in high school. It reminded me of parts I had played: a big black cat in the first grade, a cowboy in the third grade, a sailor in the fourth grade, Sam Houston in a Junior High play, Ebeneezer Scrooge in a church play,the Bethlehem Inkeeper in a church play, and possibly other parts I cannot recall.

I found amateur acting enjoyable and lots of fun. Acting a part in a play enables a person to become someone else for a brief time. I’m reminded of an interview with the actor, Peter Sellers, when he was asked, “Tell me about the real Peter Sellers.” His reply: “There is no Peter Sellers.” Like all good actors he became the characters he played.

You may find interesting the fact that the word, “hypocrite,” quoted
from Jesus as he leveled his charges against the Pharisees, is translated from a Greek word, “ὑποκριτής,” (hupocreitais) which is another word for an actor in a play. This was indeed a scathing accusation from the eternal Son of the Living God, who was represented by the Pharisees. Their interpretations of Scripture and their life styles testified to the people who looked to them for spiritual guidance. Jesus told them they were different on the inside than they appeared to be on the outside. He used the illustration of a beautiful tomb that contained dead bones. My, my, oh, my!

As you and I stand before the Lord today, are we what we claim to be? I love the old standby saying of Popeye, “I (y)am what I (y)am, and that’s what I (y)am.” Am I? Are you?

Words: Norman J. Clayton

Only to be what He wants me to be,
Every moment of every day,
Yielded completely to Jesus alone
Every step of this pilgrim way.
Just to be clay in the Potter’s hands,
Ready to do what His will commands
Only to be what He wants me to be,
Every moment of every day,

President Donald Trump announced Friday that he is declaring the corona virus pandemic a national emergency, as Washington struggles with providing Americans with relief and officials race to slow the spread of the outbreak.
Gov. Greg Abbott on Friday declared coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, a statewide public health disaster as the virus continues to spread. As of Friday Texas had 39 confirmed cases of COVID-19.