Something a little different

October 29, 2010 (Friday)
”picWe recently signed up for a TV cable service that includes a DVR, which can be programed to record TV programs. It’s really simple to set up for a recording. I just push the button that says, “Guide” and the TV then displays a menu of all the programs to be shown. All I do is highlight the program I want to record and press the “record” button on the remote. Could not be simpler. Then when I’m ready to watch the program, I can choose whether or not to watch the commercials. I have learned that there are always 18 to 20 minutes of commercials in an hour-long TV program.
When people started trying to find ways to fast forward through commercials, the ad makers redoubled their efforts to make the commercials exciting, so that as viewers zip through them they are captivated by the action. Those who make the commercials are hopeful that we will stop and watch what looks so different. Sometimes it works, like the bunnies’ hysterical laughter at the rattlesnake in the insurance commercial. I chuckle as I write.
We would rather not have commercials, but most of us know that the commercials make the programs possible. They seem to be successful, because the advertisers keep using them, and pay a hefty price for the air time.
Television time costs a lot of money. That’s why religious broadcasters ask for money so much of the time. In these hard economic times, some ministries are suffering. One well-known ministry has declared bankruptcy recently. Others may follow. Look for more innovation in fund-raising techniques by religious organizations. In the meantime, continue to expect plenty of commercials on regular programs–usually about one-third of the time.