Loving the Lord

February 15, 2020 (Saturday)

Yesterday, Valentine’s Day, was a day for sweethearts. We are all familiar with romantic love, and that’s what the day emphasized. The Greeks had four words for love, and romantic love was one of them.

Today I would like for us to move on to love for God. We have moments in our lives when the presence of God is undeniable. There are the times when we feel very close to the Lord, we sometimes hum or sing to ourselves songs about loving God.

The song for today is one of those songs that helps us express our devotion to the Lord. He has done so much for us, we feel unworthy but blessed. In our minds eye, let us stand at the foot of the old rugged cross, where we are compelled from within ourselves to worship the Lord, thanking Him for His great love, and promising to love Him strongly with all our mind, heart, and soul.

Words and Music, David Graham

In moments like these, I sing out a song,
I sing out a love song to Jesus.
In moments like these I lift up my hands,
I lift up my hands to the Lord,

Singing I love You Lord,
Singing I love You Lord,
Singing I love You Lord,

I love You!

Words and Music, Mal Fletcher

Come, Holy Spirit,
Fall afresh on me.
Fill me with your power,
Satisfy my need.
Only you can make me whole,
Give me strength to make me grow,
Come, Holy Spirit,
Fall afresh on me.