Yes, Jesus Took Our Burdens

February 5, 2020 (Wednesday)

Seventy years ago, I heard my dear friend, Troy Conner, sing “Jesus Took My Burden,” and I was blessed. As I recall, he sang it often, wherever he sang for the Lord. During those early years of ministry, I sang it myself in many revival meetings.

Are you burdened? Are you heavy hearted? Then this blog is for you.

Silvia Leigh (from the blog, ‘’):

This song was written by Rev. Johnston Oatman (1856-1922). He worked as a businessman most of his life, primarily in the insurance business. Although he never influenced the world via a pastorate in a church, his hymns have influenced many generations by their powerful, yet simple, messages. Songs like “No Not One” and “Count your blessings” contain great spiritual truths, but are also simple enough that a child can understand and relate to them.

Mr. Oatman was never paid more than $1.00 for any hymn that he ever wrote even though they were extremely popular and are found in many hymnals today. Rev. Oatman gave God at least 5000 burdens, pains and sorrows, for he wrote the same number of hymns. He may not have been wealthy in money but His account in heaven still overflows.

“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” (1Pet 5:6, 7)

I pray today that if you have a burden you are bearing, that you will take that burden to the Lord and ask Him to exchange it for a song!
In Jesus name,

A.K.A. When I, a poor, lost sinner, Before the Lord did fall
Author: Johnson Oatman (1856-1922)
Tune: [When I, a poor, lost sinner] (Lillenas)

1 When I, a poor, lost sinner,
Before the Lord did fall,
And in the name of Jesus
For pardon loud did call;
He heard my supplication,
And soon the weak was strong,
For Jesus took my burden,
And left me with a song.

Yes, Jesus took my burden
I could no longer bear,
Yes, Jesus took my burden
In answer to my prayer;
My anxious fears subsided,
My spirit was made strong,
For Jesus took my burden,
And left me with a song.

2 Ofttimes the way is dreary,
And rugged seems the road,
Ofttimes I’m weak and weary,
When bent beneath some load;
But when I cry in weakness,
“How long, O Lord, how long?”
Then Jesus takes the burden,
And leaves me with a song. [Refrain]

3 When I was crushed with sorrow
I bowed in deep despair,
My load of grief and heartache
Seemed more than I could bear;
‘Twas when I heard a whisper,
“You to the lord belong,”
Then Jesus took my burden,
And left me with a song. [Refrain]

4 I’ll trust Him for the future,
He knoweth all the way,
For with His hand He’ll guide me
Along life’s pilgrim way;
And I will tell in heaven,
While ages roll along,
How Jesus took my burden,
And left me with a song. [Refrain]

Great Piano Solo: