What is your life?


August 17, 2010 (Tuesday)
”picAn airliner was hit by lightning as it was attempting to land at an airport on a Caribbean Island yesterday. The plane crash landed and broke into pieces, scattering 131 passengers and crew down the runway. One man died of a heart attack. Although many were injured, no one was killed. Miraculous.
Shift mental gears for a minute and go back with me about 80 years and take a look at a doctor on the Gulf Coast. He got a splinter in his finger, and casually used his pocket knife to extract it. A few days later, he died from blood poisoning.
Isn’t life strange? Wouldn’t you think you would be a lot safer at your home in a beautiful coastal town than in an out-of-control airliner hurtling toward a runway? In these two cases, the unexpected – good and bad – happened.
Life can be so fragile. A motorcycle passenger west of Rockport was suddenly killed one day when a car unexpectedly made a u-turn in front of the “bike.” Here one minute, gone the next. Yet in sick beds all across the land are people who have been near death for years, hanging on by a thread. Why? I’d be a fool to try to answer. That’s life.
Each of us should commit his/her life to God, trusting Him completely, realizing that each day may bring the unexpected. Truly, “thou knowest not what a day may bring forth” (Proverbs 27:1). Believe and live so that you may confidently say, “To me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21).