A Picture of Jesus

cffblog6.jpgOctober 14, 2019 (Monday)

The “fruit of the Spirit,” as described in Galatians 5:22-23,  describes the character traits of our Lord and Savior. The list of the types of fruit becomes a word picture of Jesus: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control.

Jesus is much more than any of these virtues, or even their sum total, but the words describe attributes possessed by Him. He is this kind of person.

Think about Jesus as He is revealed in the gospels. He came to earth on a mission to seek and to save the lost. Oh, what love! He said his joy was found in doing the will of His Father. Oh, what joy! He found peace by praying to His Father, “Not my will, but thine be done.” Oh, what peace!

Jesus called twelve disciples and spent three and a half years teaching them, although they found it difficult to understand Him. Oh, what patience! People who needed His help flocked to Him and He never refused their requests. Oh, what kindness! The religious teachers were outwardly righteous but distrusted Jesus because He was genuinely good. Oh, what goodness!

Jesus never wavered from His mission that finally took Him to the cross to die for us. Oh, what faithfulness! He never lifted a finger to harm anyone, but little children flocked to Him so He could take them up in His arms. Oh, what gentleness! He never lost sight of His mission and was always true to Himself; He never sinned. Oh, what self-control!

Oh, what a Savior!