Thoughts as Year’s End Nears

Living joyously by faith

December 28, 2009 (Monday)

picture of CharlesWe have come to the last week of the year, and it seems like a good opportunity to think about the past and the future, and, oh, yes, the present.

In looking back at the past, memories flood our minds, and we find a lot of things to think about, especially the good things. We are now ready to relegate 2009 to that list of years we think about when we meditate on “the good old days.” Good year or bad, we must leave it behind.

As we look toward the future, 2010 looms large as a year of uncertainty, especially concerning the economy. Jobs are still being lost, and predictions from the experts about employment are mixed at best. Of course, none of us knows for sure what’s in store for us in our personal and family lives.

So that leaves us with “Today,” that day that is always with us. What will we do with our “Today?” It’s up to us. We see people in all kinds of sad circumstances with smiles on their faces and joy in their hearts, because they have chosen to be happy. They have learned to live by the adage, “If it is to be, it’s up to me.” They have learned that it’s not what happens to us but how we react to what happens to us that makes the difference.

“So on I go not knowing;

I would not if I might,

I’d rather walk in the dark with God

Than go alone in the light;

I’d rather walk by faith with Him

Than go alone by sight.” *


* From the hymn, “I Know Not What Awaits Me,” by Philip P. Bliss, 1838-1876
Hear the tune and read all the verses at “”