A New Day

cffblog6.jpgSeptember 23, 2019 (Monday)

Yesterday the Bethel Baptist Church of Ingleside, Texas had a guest preacher. His name is Jason Horine. His wife, Angela, and their two young daughters, Aliya and Audrey, accompanied him to Ingleside for the worship service. He preached a great sermon.

Next Sunday, September 29, the church members will submit ballots to determine if the church should call Brother Horine to become the pastor of the church. If he accepts the call, the Pastor Search Committee will work with him in making the transition to the Bethel Baptist Church from the church he now serves as pastor.

I will continue to serve as the interim pastor until the new pastor moves onto the church field and begins his work. I invite you to pray for him and his family and for the church. This will be a big step for the church which has been pastorless since late 2014. I have been Interim Pastor during this time.

I retired after 48 years as a pastor in 1996. Since that time, I have served as pastor and interim pastor in several churches. I am very thankful to the Lord for continuing to use me in the ministry for an additional 23 years after retirement. At my age, I believe this time the retirement years will begin for real.