We’re on our way

to git ‘er dun

October 13, 2009 (Tuesday)
picture of CharlesThis is a red letter day for me. Dwight will drive me to Victoria this morning for cataract removal and lens replacement in my right eye. I’m glad Dwight is here to do this for me, and I deeply appreciate it. He will bring me home here in Rockport afterwards and tomorrow I will see Dr. Soto for follow up.
I’m hoping this will enable me to see better at night. For some time now I have avoided night driving because it has become difficult. If I am able to drive at night, I will be free to do anything my ministry requires. At times it’s necessary. I always give it a shot, anyway, but it’s really not safe.
One of the Internet sites had a slideshow today of 755 pictures of devastation in the Philippines, where two typhoons hit, one after the other. At least 600 are dead, many are homeless, and/or injured, and much suffering remains in store for the people there. At any given moment throughout our country and world, many people are suffering. That one thought should help us see our own needs in the proper perspective. We take no comfort that others are facing greater problems than we are, but we always need to be aware that our personal needs are only a tiny part of the needs of humankind.
So, over the river and through the woods, to the doctor’s “house” we go. We’re on our way.