Why I Go to Church

A few good reasons

September 4, 2009 (Friday)
picture of CharlesA blizzard was raging, and the only two people who made it to church that day were the pastor and the custodian. As they greeted each other, the pastor commented, “It’s sad that people chose to stay home today,” to which the custodian replied, “Yes, pastor, but I suspect that you and I wouldn’t be here if we weren’t being paid!”
You may say I go to church because I am the pastor and I have no choice. I like to think I go to church for the same good reasons as everyone else. What are those reasons? Why do I go to church?
I go to church because church attendance is a source of spiritual strength. The Lord meets us there (Matt 18:20), and He is the source of our spiritual strength. He also goes home with us when the worship service is over.
I go to church because church attendance is a source of Bible knowledge, especially if I attend the Sunday School, where the Bible is discussed with fellow Christians. Every pastor and church should make it a goal to teach the Bible to people.
I go to church because church attendance is a source of Christian fellowship. The new birth results in becoming part of the Christian family. There’s a reason we use the terms, “Brother” and “Sister” when we refer to our fellow Christians. If we backslide and stop attending church, we find fellowship with unbelievers, who cannot help strengthen our faith.
I go to church because church attendance is a source of spiritual growth. Growth is natural in all of life. We need to grow as Christians. The church provides nurture for growth and spiritual health. Spiritual growth results in spiritual fruit in the Christian life: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Gal 5:22-23).
I like to think I go to church for the above reaons, but sometimes I just go because that’s what we should do. Believe it or not, that’s a good reason, too. You can be in the habit of staying home or going to church. It’s your choice. The habit of attending church is a very good one. Church attendance helps me, and I believe it can help you, too.
[Edited slightly and reprinted from November 2, 2008]