Time Marches On

Things change

August 20, 2009 (Thursday)
picture of CharlesI retired from a long pastorate in 1996, over 13 years ago, and since then have grow increasingly out of touch with the goings on within the Southern Baptist Convention leadership structure. So when I read today in the Baptist Standard about resignations and interim assignments at the mission agencies, I did not recognize any of the names. As the editorial in the Baptist Standard says, a new generation has assumed leadership. These are fresh faces with a different point of view that does not align itself with either faction in the great denominational war that began with election of a slate of officers in 1979 and ended with complete victory for one side in 1990. It is now nearly 20 years since that “takeover,” as it was characterized by “moderates” back then. Or, if you prefer, “conservative resurgence,” as it was known by its proponents. Whatever it was, it seems that it is no longer relevant. A new generation has arrived on the scene, with new ideas and a new outlook. As the old saying goes, “Time marches on!”
As for me, I have been out of touch with all of that for so long that I really don’t know “who’s who” or “what’s what.” My focus has shifted from my personal career and denominational programs to family, where it should have received priority from day one. But life has its cycles, which have been characterized as different levels of interests and abilities, joined by “passages” (transitions) from one level to the next.
As I read the obituaries, I always notice the fact that many people on the list are younger than I, so I naturally wonder why the Lord has allowed me a long life. As the old sage comically commented, “If I had known I was going to live so long, I would have taken better care of myself!”