
I love coffee in the morning

August 14, 2009 (Friday)
picture of CharlesI have my first cup of coffee sitting before me, and as I write, I sip. There’s nothing in the world that matches the taste of that first good cup of coffee in the morning.
I got into the habit of drinking coffee in morning when I was a very little boy. My grandfather made his coffee, then poured a little in a cup for me, adding lots of milk. Really, it was a cup of coffee-flavored milk, but I always had my “coffee” as he had his. I rarely drink more than that first cup each morning, but I thoroughly enjoy it.
Where does coffee come from? In our neighborhood here in Houston, it comes from H.E.B. or Foodarama. “No,” you say, “what is coffee, and how do we get it from farm to cup?”
Well, let me tell you, since you asked so nicely. It starts out as a seed we call a “coffee bean,” which grows inside a coffee “berry,” like a cherry pit, in more than 50 countries around the world. Before the coffee bean makes it to your house, it is picked from a bush, processed and dried. Then you have the choice of buying a sack of beans or a package of ground coffee. At home there are a lot of ways to brew it. So pick your favorite. In good times, people drink a lot of coffee in coffee shops and restaurants. I like mine at home when I first get up. It’s the caffeine, I’m sure.
Coffee. I can take it or leave it. But, if I leave it, I get a headache. So, why not enjoy it? It’s good.