
One of the joys of life

August 11, 2009 (Tuesday)
picture of CharlesIf you were to ask me what I was doing on March 13, 1987, I would not be able to remember. But if you ask me what I was doing on August 11, 1954, I could tell you. I was at the hospital with my wife, Wanda, welcoming our firstborn child, David, into the world. That was 55 years ago today. Happy Birthday, David.
I also can tell you where I was on October 19, 1955, August 22, 1959, May 10, 1963, and November 4, 1966, because those are the birthdays of Dan, Debbie, Dianna and Dwight. I can see the events of those days very clearly in my mind.
Our children have been a rich blessing in my life. I discovered that the love we have for our children is not divided as more are born; it is multiplied. And then it is multiplied even more with the addition of spouses and births of grandchildren, and in our family there are nine.
I’m thankful for the privilege of fatherhood. My only wish is that I would have been a better father. I am reminded of the quote, “Ve grow too soon oldt und too late schmart.” In spite of my shortcomings, I’m still grateful for the privilege of being a father to five wonderful people who have blessed many lives, including mine.