
Eyes can be treated

August 5, 2009 (Wednesday)
picture of CharlesA while back I began noticing greater difficulty with my vision. I finally went to the eye doctor yesterday and found out I have cataracts. I thought that was something only old people have. Oh, well, at least I know what the problem is. I’ll get one eye fixed whenever the arrangements can be made with the surgeon. The other eye is not quite ready but the doctor told me that most folks have it done soon after the first because the difference in the eyes gives a person a weird feeling.
The Bible talks about the “eyes of your heart.” Just as problems can develop with our regular eyes, so they can appear in our spiritual eyes, the way we look at life.
Some folks are spiritually nearsighted. They see themselves and those nearest to them very clearly, but they don’t like to think about those outside their own circle. They see that their own needs and those of their family are supplied, but they rarely participate in any activity that reaches out to people in need. They are concerned about their church, but not the people in other lands. And on it goes. Nearsighted.
Other people are farsighted. They love to think about foreign missions, but rarely are concerned about the people next door. They are devoted to their business and customers, but unconcerned about their kids. And on it goes. Farsighted.
Some have astigmatism. That’s when things are distorted and “whoppy jawed” or “catty wampus.” They just don’t see life as it really is. They easily see the bad, but rarely the good, even though both can be seen by those with healthy vision. And on it goes. Astigmatic.
A great many are blind. “The god of this world has blinded the minds of those who believe not,” says Paul. Millions of people today cannot see the truths of Scripture or the reality of God. They scoff at living a Christian life. They just can’t see the world God’s way. And on it goes. Blind.
We could go on, but you get the idea. The eyes of your heart may need healing today. The Lord can do that for you. Just ask him.