Give it your best shot

You’ll always be glad you did

June 10, 2009 (Wednesday)
picture of CharlesThe year, I think, was 1942. My Uncle Lloyd Lowe had not y et been drafted, and he took me with him to Playland Park where we rode the roller coaster. Playland Park was on South Main, north of where the Astrodome and Reliant Stadium would someday be built, and south of Main Street’s intersection with Old Spanish Trail. We had a good time that day. I’ve never forgotten it.
There was an airport across the street from Playland Park. I think the name of it was Main Street Airport. Nothing remains of it today. One could take plane rides for $1.00, if I remember right. I wanted to ride in one, so my uncle took me over there and paid the man. Up we went, in a two-seat airplane, completely open without a canopy. The pilot was in the rear and I was in the front. It didn’t take me long after that first look down to feel like I had made a mistake. Over the roar of the engine, I let the pilot know I wanted him to turn around and land that thing. He did. That was my first plane ride. Too bad I got scared. I could have had a really good time up there.
I’ve since flown many times. My first commercial airline flight was on Braniff from Dallas to Houston in 1957. During my days of ministry, I have flown numerous times across the state, around the country, and once to the Far East. The world is saddened today because of a recent crash in the Atlantic, but most of us now know that flying is much safer than driving.
My first flight was made 67 years ago, and I still wish I had flown all the way downtown and back.