A winning witness

Let others see Jesus in you

June 3, 2009 (Wednesday)
picture of CharlesA few minutes after midnight Monday, a Long Island convenience store had an attempted robbery.
The robber entered the store and demanded money, but the store owner surprised him by pulling a gun from under the counter and demanding that the thief fall to his knees. Immediately the humbled would-be criminal began crying and begging the storekeeper to have mercy on him. He was out of work, he said, without food in his house and his family was hungry.
Instead of shooting the intruder or calling the police, the owner gave the man $40 and a loaf of bread. The man thanked the storekeeper profusely, and then surprised him by saying, “I want to be a Muslim, just like you!” The owner then asked him to repeat an oath, and gave him a Muslim name.
Christians will find many opportunities to witness for Christ, if they honor Jesus as king of their lives by showing grace and kindness to all people. Wouldn’t you love to hear the words, “I want to be a Christian, just like you!”
Jesus wants us to tell people about Him, but our witness will be much more powerful if our lives exhibit love and forgiveness. People are still moved in their hearts by a genuine Christian example.