Someone, somewhere, needs you

Each of us can ask, “How can I help?”

January 15, 2009 (Thursday)
picture of CharlesThe mornings this week have been cold, but the days have been absolutely beautiful, worthy of the word, “perfect.” Many people I have met this week have commented on how beautiful the weather is here in Houston.
Ironically, our good weather is due in part to the fact that horrible weather is invading other parts of the country. Record cold in some places is what people are talking about.
Such is life. When Ike was ravaging this part of the Gulf Coast, damaging half the homes of Harris County, and wreaking havoc in Galveston, leaving behind destruction that still has not been cleaned up, other parts of the nation were basking in beautiful September weather.
At any given moment in this world, people are experiencing almost everything life throws at us. Take this moment, for example. Some people are vacationing under a warm sun, while others are shivering in the dark without power or heat in their homes. Some are giving birth, while others are saying goodbye to loved ones. On we could go, describing virtually every human condition that exists at this moment somewhere in the world.
People everywhere need something that we can give. When Isaiah saw God in a vision, he saw heavenly beings all around and heard a great voice, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Somewhere, someone needs your help. You can’t go everywhere and you can’t do everything, but you can do something. Will you and I respond to the heavenly call, and say, as Isaiah said, “Here I am. Send me.”