A word to our leaders


December 9, 2008 (Tuesday)
picture of CharlesOptimism is defined as, “a disposition or tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome.”
Are you optimistic, or at least trying to be optimistic these days?
Hey, how about this song from “Annie?”
“The sun’ll come out tomorrow, so ya gotta hang on ’til tomorrow, come what may. Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow, you’re always a day away.”
The good old standby movie, “The Wizard of Oz,” made the case that everyone already has within himself the tools he needs to succeed. In response to their pleas for help, the scarecrow, lion and tin man were given symbols of virtues they already possessed. The message to Americans: “You’ve got what it takes. Use what you have.”
“The Lord helps those who help themselves” is not a quotation from the Bible, but it represents the sentiments of the Scriptures. When Moses came to the Red Sea, he started praying. The Lord asked him why he was doing that. “It’s time to move forward,” God said. Moses lifted his shepherd’s staff toward the waters, and they parted, making a path for God’s people.
I read an interesting remark, “The Lord feeds the birds, but he doesn’t throw the worms into the nest!”
My heart sank a few years back, when I read that a few college students were saying they deserved food stamps as much as anyone else. Pray tell, just when did that kind of spirit invade the campuses? Leaders don’t stand in line waiting for help; they lead the pack and make things happen. Americans have a reputation for doing just that. It’s time for us to quit whining and get busy solving our problems. That’s the way this country works.