A Good Investment

July 25, 2008 (Friday)
picture of CharlesElvis Presley’s preacher uncle gave him guitar lessons on his first guitar, purchased at a Tupelo, Mississippi hardware store in 1946 for $7.75 plus 16 cents tax.
How would you compute the financial return on that investment? I don’t know how much money Elvis made during his lifetime, but in the year 2000, twenty-three years after his death, his estate earned $45 million.
Are you investing? Some folks invest in cash, others in stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. etc. Many follow the example of Jesus, and invest themselves in people.
Jesus invested several years of His life in twelve men of His own choosing. Today, 2000 years later, that investment has grown to include millions of people all over the world, whose lives have been touched and blessed by the power of God.
That investment of Jesus has resulted in lives saved, homes rescued, sins forgiven, hospitals built, universities at work, thousands of missionaries spreading the gospel, pastors ministering to hurting people, etc. etc.
How are your investments doing? You invest in God’s Kingdom when you tell someone about Jesus, when you serve Him through your church, when you live the Christian life, strongly influencing others to know and serve God, when you teach others, helping them along life’s way, when you do kind deeds and help to lift up the fallen, when you serve the Lord in any one of thousands of possible ways.
I am fortunate because many people along life’s way have taken the time to invest in me by witnessing to me, teaching me, influencing me, guiding me and praying for me.
Serving the Lord and blessing others is an investment that will produce dividends for all eternity, and your life will produce spiritual income long after you are gone from this earth.