Do you believe in God?

Psalm 14:1 may surprise some folks

July 12, 2008 (Saturday)
picture of Charles There is no end to the possibe ways of doing foolish things in life, but the most foolish thing anyone ever does is to leave God out of his/her life. People have always done that and say, “No God for me.” Psalm 14:1 delcares that the person who does that is a fool (the Bible’s word, not mine).
I suppose it is obvious that I believe, because I have been a minister of the gospel for 60 years.
I believe in God even if some do not believe. Some people are atheists; they firmly declare “there is no God.” A few have intellectual problems and have honestly derived their atheism from their scientific world view. I must point out to those people that there are some things in the natural world that are still a mystery — observations that the scientists do not fully understand. To some degree, therefore, atheism is an act of faith.
I believe, however, that most atheism is part of our rebellion against authority – we don’t want anybody telling us what to do. So we find excuses to get rid of God in our minds.
I believe in God even if some act like they don’t believe. You see, there are people who say they believe but their bad attitudes and selfish actions deny that profession of faith. A life that dishonors God seems to deny God’s presence in that life, believer or not. It is natural, then, for people who are observing such behavior to say there is no God; if He exists, why doesn’t faith in Him change people? You’ll never catch me denying God’s existence because of what some human being may or may not do. My faith is not in them; it is in God Himself.
I believe in God even if some don’t seem to care whether or not they believe. The unbelievers who are not ready either to deny or accept God prefer to be neutral. Their unbelief has no influence on me. I cannot follow their path. I must believe. “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” My heart tells me also. So does my mind. And my experience confirms it all. Are you a believer? Remember, the Holy Scripture is clear: “The fool has said in his heart, there is no God” (Psalm 14:1).