Things will change

The Lord will be with you

July 8, 2008 (Tuesday)
picture of CharlesWith the formation of Hurricane Bertha in the Atlantic, I’ve been looking at the Computer models the weather folks use in determining their forecasts. Every year they seem to be a little more accurate. I saw a model track on the map last night on the Colorado State University site:
It is named, “XTRP,” and draws a line from its present location, simply extending the track as if the storm will encounter nothing that will change its course. No one expects the storm to follow that track, but it has a purpose for the forecasters as they make their predictions.
Here’s the deal. It’s just a line on a map. It is given a name as a model but it really doesn’t mean anything to us, the public, as far as predicting the path of the storm. It would only hold true if it met no wind currents, no low pressure, no troughs, no high pressure, no ridges, nothing of any consequence in the air above us. Such a situation does not exist anywhere, as far as I know.
I think about all of us and our futures. We don’t know how many years we may have left. Regardless of our age, however, we need to plan ahead and never give up on life. Model XTRP doesn’t do it for me. It says I’ll follow the same course and I will encounter nothing that can change it. Life is not like that, as we should know by now. The Scriptures warn us to take nothing for granted and always take into account the will of God as we plan for tomorrow.
You can count on something happening in your world that will change what you decide to do. Never be surprised when the unexpected happens.
We need to be spiritually prepared for changes ahead in our lives. They will come, and when they do, the Lord will be right there with us:
“I’ve seen the lightning flashing; I’ve heard the thunder roll,
I’ve felt sin’s breakers dashing, trying to conquer my soul.
I’ve heard the voice of Jesus, telling me still to fight on.
He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone!”