Christmas Giving

cffblog6.jpgDecember 3, 2018 (Monday)
When we think of giving at Christmas time, the first thing that probably comes to mind is giving gifts to friends and family. Another type of Christmas giving is our offering to international missions.
At this time of year a call back from the mission fields of the world ask us to give an offering for International Missions. This is a long-standing custom of Baptist churches. For many years this offering was known as the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for Foreign Missions, named for a foreign missionary who literally gave her all to mission work. There is a parallel offering available to givers, sponsored by the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. As we give, let us do it with the intention of sharing the gospel with the other nations of the world. Other mission agencies offer us opportunities for sharing.


(words and music by H. Ernest Nichol, 1896)
We’ve a story to tell to the nations,
That shall turn their hearts to the right,
A story of truth and mercy,
A story of peace and light,
We’ve a song to be sung to the nations,
That shall lift their hearts to the Lord,
A song that shall conquer evil
And shatter the spear and sword,
We’ve a message to give to the nations,
That the Lord who reigns up above
Has sent us His Son to save us,
And show us that God is love,
We’ve a Savior to show to the nations,
Who the path of sorrow has trod,
That all of the world’s great peoples
Might come to the truth of God,


For the darkness shall turn to dawning,
And the dawning to noonday bright;
And Christ’s great kingdom shall come on earth,
The kingdom of love and light.