The Month of November Is Here

cffblog6.jpgNovember 1, 2018 (Thursday)
November was the ninth month of the ancient Roman calendar. November retained its name (from the Latin novem meaning “nine”) when January and February were added to the Roman calendar. November is a month of late spring in the Southern Hemisphere and late autumn in the Northern Hemisphere.
My first thought when you say, “November,” is cooler weather. The weather will get cooler this month, and really cold in some places, maybe even here in Rockport. We had a big damaging freeze one year around Thanksgiving time. My next thought, almost simultaneously, is Thanksgiving Day, which comes on November 22 this year (that date immediately brings to mind the assassination of JFK in Dallas in 1963, 55 years ago). The calendar for November has other special days:
1. November 2nd: National Plan Your Epitaph Day
2. November 3rd: Sadie Hawkins Day (from Li’l Abner comic strip)
3. November 4th: King Tut Day (Discovery of his tomb)
4. November 5th: Guy Fawkes Day (England)
5. November 6th: National Saxaphone Day
6. November 7th: International Tongue Twister Day.
7. November 13th: World Kindness Day
8. November 15th: Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day
9. November 18th: Use Less Stuff Day
10. November 19th: World Toilet Day (global sanitation day)
11. November 19th: International Men’s Day
12. November 22nd: Thanksgiving Day
13. November 22nd: National Start Your Own Country Day (Extreme anarchy)
14. November 23rd: National Day of Listening (honors teachers)
15. November 28th: Red Planet Day (Visit Mars if you can)
16. November 29th: National Square Dance Day

Now, take your calendar, and mark every Sunday, writing, “Go To Church!” You are missed when you miss.