Never Give Up – Keep On Trying

cffblog6.jpgJune1, 2018 (Friday)
“Don’t give up the ship!’ was Captain James Lawrence’s final command before his death on the U.S.S. Chesapeake. (June 1, 1813 – 205 years ago today).
In 1935, a movie, “Shipmates Forever,” was made with Dick Powell singing a song based upon Captain Lawrence’s last words.

Shipmates, stand together
Don’t give up the ship
Fair or stormy weather
We won’t give up
We won’t give up the ship
Friends and pals forever
It’s a long, long trip
If you have to take a lickin’
Carry on and quit your kickin’
Don’t give up the ship.

Sad to say, the U.S.S. Chesapeake was defeated in battle by the H.M.S. Shannon and towed to Nova Scotia. It became one of the warships of the British Navy. Many years later it was dismantled in England and the lumber used in construction of buildings.
The battle of the Chesapeake and the Shannon did not turn out as Captain Lawrence had hoped, but the United States won the war (The War of 1812).
Life is typified in the experience described here. We have great expectations as we hope for the best in any given situation, but events don’t always result in our winning that battle. Do we just give up? No! We enter the fight again and again until the victory is won.

Ashe Jaafaru
(Published on Jan 6, 2011)

Comments by coachrv30 (3 years ago):
Ashe, I taught Language Arts and Speech for over 34 years, and I don’t recall anyone who was able to present with such warmth and feeling the message you present here. It is a beautiful message that speaks so beautifully to all brothers and sisters of Christ and all the secular world as well. Were you successful in speaking so eloquently from the heart? The answer is simple: You did it!