The Journey to Jerusalem

cffblog6.jpgMarch 20, 2018 (Tuesday)
Next Sunday is Palm Sunday. I would like for us to follow Jesus and his disciples and retrace his steps during the week before he appeared in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.
After raising Lazarus from the dead at Bethany, long before Holy Week, Jesus and his disciples withdrew to Ephraim, near the desert, where they prepared for the journey to Jerusalem.
The last trip to Jerusalem began on the border between Samaria and Galilee, and it was there that Jesus healed ten lepers. As the disciples walked with Jesus, He taught them about prayer and humility. He also talked with them about divorce. At one place, the children came running to Him, and he lifted them in his arms, saying, “Let the children come to me.” A rich young ruler wanted to become a follower of Jesus, but when Jesus told him to give his money to the poor and his heart to God, he went away sad.
Jesus spoke very plainly with them about his coming death, burial and resurrection,
emphasizing that it would happen the following week in Jerusalem. But they did
not understand what He was talking about.
One day James and John asked for a prominent place in the kingdom, and Jesus rebuked
them for their selfish ambition, emphasizing again the importance of humble service.
Jesus did His best to prepare His disciples for what was about to happen. But they
found his words mysterious and unbelievable. During the next week at Jerusalem,
when Jesus confronted evil head on, and was crucified, they were shocked and
confused, as well as grief-stricken. Later, on the Day of Pentecost, they would be
filled with spiritual power and would carry the gospel to others for the remainder
of their lives.
Like the disciples, we have a need to learn more about Jesus and the Christian life.
From the day we accept Christ as Savior, we are his disciples also, and we are
continuing to learn as long as we live. Let us be eager to know Jesus better day by day. Let us walk closely with Him.
Tomorrow’s blog will review this one. More on Thursday about this important journey.