The Gospel

Proclaimed in Power

February 24, 2008 (Sunday)
chas46.jpgThe Book of Acts in our Bible is usually headed, “The Acts of the Apostles.” A good title, but some have suggested it might be called instead, “The Acts of the Early Church,” or “The Acts of the Holy Spirit,” or “The Acts of the Resurrected Christ.” All are appropriate.
The Book of Acts is a book about spiritual power. Upon the ascension of Jesus into Heaven, the believers were told to pray and wait, and they did. Then, after a while, the power came. The Holy Spirit gave them a power they had never had before, and they gladly and boldly declared Jesus to be the Son of God and Savior of the world.
On that first Pentecost after the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, Peter preached a great sermon, telling the people that wicked hands had crucified Jesus, but on that day the living Christ was pouring out salvation for all. The people repented of their sins and believed in the living and powerful Savior. Thousands were saved and baptized that day. In the days that followed, thousands more joined them.
Acts 2:42-47 tells us how those believers continued to learn from the Apostles, finding fellowship as they prayed together. They saw miracles happening. They gave generously to the budding church, finding sweet fellowship in it. Others took notice of them, opened their hearts and believed, so that the church continued to grow day by day.
What a wonderful way for the church to get started! What began in Jerusalem continued in Judea, Samaria, and beyond. It kept going until it reached us. We sing, “I am so glad that Jesus loves even me.” Now the gospel has been entrusted to us. We are to proclaim it in power and become a part of God’s family, helping brothers and sisters to grow in Christ.
(Compare this blog with the one for December 30, 2007.}