Biblical Lists: The Primary Pair

May 20, 2022 (Friday)

Theme for this week: Important lists in the Bible

The fifth list in this series: The Primary Pair

We chose five lists from the Bible as topics for the series of blogs this week. The Biblical Lists have been titled, “The Moral Law,” “The Fruit of the Spirit,” “Spiritual Gifts,” “Defenses of the Christian.” Today’s blog is titled, “The Primary Pair.” When asked to identify the greatest commandment, Jesus replied with two: “Love God” and “Love Others.” On these two commandments, he said, hang all the law and the prophets. In other words, this pair of commandments is the foundation for all the commandments. If you love God, you will do what the first four commandments say. If you love other people, you will do what the remaining six commandments say.(Matthew 22:35-40)

It is the shortest list (only two items) on this series of blogs about Biblical lists, but the most important list that forms the basis for all other lists.

If you love God, you will worship Him only, never making an image of any god, revering His name, and rest one day each week as He did at the Creation *Commandments I-IV).

If you love others, you will not harm any of them in any way. You will respect your parents, never murder anyone, never commit adultery, never steal, never bear false witness, and never covet. (Commandments VI – X).

The Apostle Paul made clear that Love is to become part of our lives above all else in life.

Authors: Bill and Gloria Gaither

I am loved, I am loved
I can risk loving you
For the One who knows me best
Loves me most
I am loved you are loved
Won’t you please take my hand
We are free to love each other
We are loved

I said if You knew You wouldn’t want me
My scars are hidden by the face I wear
He said my child My scars go deeper
It was love for you that put them there


Forgiven I repeat it I’m forgiven
Clean before my Lord, I freely stand
Forgiven I can dare to love my brother
Forgiven I reach out to take your hand



I hope you have enjoyed reading the blogs about Biblical lists this week. Each blog was about something very important. If you have time, you might like following up on one or all of the lists I have shared this week, and do some additional reading about them. Everything you will need is on the internet.


Theme for this week: Important lists in the Bible

The blogs for Monday, May 16 – Friday, May 20 are:
Biblical lists.

1. The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20)
2. The Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5)
3. The Gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12)
4. The Defenses of the Christian (Ephesians 6)
5. The Primary Pair (Love God, Love Others)
Matthew 22:35-40