He Knows All

Chas.suit.1.jpgMarch 19, 2015 (Thursday)
Old pictures are interesting. They allow us to take a step back in time and see people as they appeared years ago. Seldom if ever do we see people age naturally (without the help of artificial makeup, etc) in a movie, but “Boyhood,” a 2014 movie, enables us to do just that. Filming the movie periodically got under way in 2002 and everyone in it aged normally until filming was completed in 2014. An ambitious project, I would think. It condensed 12 or 13 years into less than 3 hours of film.
I remember my college professor, C. J. Humphrey, drawing a chalk line across the width pencil.jpgof the classroom from one end of the blackboard to the other, saying to the class, “This is how we see ‘time.'” Then he held a pencil in his hand, saying, “This is how God sees ‘time.'”
The pencil illustration works for an explanation of how God sees each of our lives. He sees them before we are born, as we live, and afterwards. He sees it all. He needs no angel to report to Him whatever we are doing or saying. He knows it all.
Once upon a time, many years ago, my mother told my father that they were expecting a baby. They knew nothing about me, not even whether I was a girl or boy. But, hear this: God knew my name, my size and weight, and everything that would ever be known about me. He knows it all.
He knew what I would look like as an infant, and He knew what I would look like as an elderly man. He knew before I was born how long I would live, and He knows how long I have left. I can trust Him completely.
He knows you. You have no secrets with Him. Yet He loves you. Give up. Let Him have control of your life. Give your heart to Him. You’ll be glad you did.