The Apostles of Christ: Matthew

May 9, 2021 (Sunday)


During the 1860s, Anna Reeves Jarvis created “Mother’s Day Work Clubs” to help unite women during divided times.

When she passed, her daughter Anna Jarvis conceived a more formal Mother’s Day to honor the sacrifices that mothers (like hers) made for their children. After a successful test event with a large department store, Anna pushed for adding the holiday to the national calendar. She argued that American holidays were biased towards men and their accomplishments, and so conducted a massive letter-writing campaign to garner support.

Her work paid off: in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson officially established Mother’s Day as a national holiday on the second Sunday in May.

The modern Mother’s Day is a continuation of that spirit – a way to honor the strong Mother-figures in our lives for their hard work and the sacrifices that they have made.


The Apostles of Christ: Matthew

One of the other disciples that we know because of his gospel in the New Testament is Matthew, also known as Levi. He was a tax collector before giving up his job to follow Jesus. His call to become Jesus’ disciple is recorded in Matthew 9 (NIV): “As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. ‘Follow me,’ he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him. While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, ‘Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?’ On hearing this, Jesus said, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.’” (The following story is copied from a Lutheran minister’s sermon:)

“The church of which Samuel Colgate was a member had a big push to evangelize the neighborhood. The pastor preached a moving message and at the end he extended an invitation for those who wished to come forward and declare their Spirit-given desire to leave their past behind, follow the Savior and be blessed by the forgiveness Christ has won.
“One of the first people to walk down the aisle and kneel before the church altar was a prostitute. She cried as she knelt and she renounced her licentious life. She asked God to forgive her and then she stood up and turned around. To the sea of faces before her she humbly stated she was committed to following Jesus and that she was happy in His blood-bought forgiveness. She concluded by saying: I wish to now become a member of the church. Her request was met by silence – a deafening silence – a prolonged silence. Everyone knew every time one of God’s people sins, God’s image and the Savior’s sacrifice gets tarnished. They were reluctant to have their church or their Savior besmirched by associating themselves with this sinner.

“The silence was broken when Colgate stood up and said: “I guess we blundered when we prayed that the Lord would save sinners. We forgot to specify what kind of sinners we had in mind.” Colgate’s words jolted the congregation into remembering who they were; that they, too, were all sinners who had been blessed by the Savior’s sacrifice; who had been forgiven by His blood and promised eternal victory through His resurrection. The motion was made and unanimously approved that the woman be accepted into church membership.

“To eat with sinners, to drink with them, and save them, is why Jesus came. It is why He called Matthew to follow Him; it is why the Holy Spirit touched the heart of that prostitute and saved her; it is why He reaches out to each of us. If you are among those who are staying away from the Christ and His church because there are sinners there, let me say, “Of course there are. If they weren’t sinners, they wouldn’t need a Savior.” If you reject Christ because of what we are doing wrong, forgive us, but realize we are weak and foolish children who need God’s great grace and His ongoing guiding hand; if hypocrites in the church stand between you and your Redeemer, realize if they are between the two of you, they are actually closer to Him than you are.”

Songwriters: Bill Gaither, Mitch Humphries, Gloria L Gaither

If you could see
What I once was
If you could go with me
Back to where I started from
Then, I know you would see
A miracle of Love that put me
In it’s sweet embrace
And made me what I am today
Just an old sinner
Saved by grace

I’m just a sinner
Saved by grace
When I stood condemned to death
He took my place
Now I live and breathe in freedom
With each breath of life I take
Loved and forgiven
Backed with a living
I’m just a sinner
Saved by grace

How could I boast on anything
I’ve ever seen or done
How could I dare to claim as mine
The victories God has won
Where would I be
Had God not brought me
Gently to this place
I’m here to say I’m nothing but
A sinner saved by grace

I’m just a sinner
Saved by grace
When I stood condemned to death
He took my place
Now I grow and breathe in freedom
With each breath of life I take
I’m loved and forgiven
Backed with a living
I’m just a sinner
Saved by grace

Now I grow and breathe in freedom
With each breath of life I take
I’m loved and forgiven
Backed with a living
I’m just a sinner
Saved by grace
Saved by grace