“Call upon Me”, says the Lord

“I will show you things of which you have not dreamed”

NOVEMBER 24, 2007 (SATURDAY) – Tomorrow, November 25, 2007, is a big day in the life of First Baptist Church, Rockport, Texas. Scott Jones and his family will be visiting. He will preach in each of the two morning services and the church will meet with him in the afternoon for a get-acquainted time. A vote to call him as the pastor of the church will be taken at the evening service at 6:00 p.m.
During the last fifty years, the church has had only three pastors. This church does not go through the search process very often. The entire experience, from Walter Knight’s resignation to this weekend, has been a new experience for many people in the church. Hopefully, we will not go through another interim period for many years to come. Yet, through this entire experience, the church has continued its many ministries, and has kept reaching people for Christ. For this we are very thankful.
Now we look to the future. The first step toward that future will be taken tomorrow as we cast our vote. Let us all pray much and ask the Lord for wisdom as we participate.
The Pastor Search Committee has worked hard and prayed for sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit during these many months. Committee members were elected in the most democratic way humanly possible as nominations were made by secret ballot by the members of the church. Our thanks to all of them: Johnny Melton, Phyllis Smith, Becky Livingston, Eric Scott, Linda Bradley, Bill Muskopf and Bobby Albin.