The New Beginning

Exciting days ahead

NOVEMBER 19, 2007 (MONDAY) – The announcement was made in the morning worship services at First Baptist Church, Rockport, yesterday that the Pastor Search Committee is ready with a recommendation of a man to become the next pastor.
Printed materials have been mailed to the members of the church, with information about the man and his family. He will meet with the church family next weekend to be introduced to the members and to preach in the worship services.
I won’t repeat in this blog the information being mailed to the members. I would like, however, to make some personal observations.
First, thank you for asking me to serve as interim pastor while the church has prayed for the Pastor Search Committee and its vital work.
Second, thank you for your kind words and support as I have attempted to fulfill this role. It has been a great privilege for me.
Third, please try to participate in the process of calling a new pastor by meeting him and his family, hearing him preach, and participating in the voting process.
I will have more to say in these blogs during the remaining days of my interim pastorate.
God bless you all.