Zephaniah – Devotional thoughts

pic of charlesJune 11, 2014 (Wednesday)
Zephaniah identifies himself as a descendant of King Hezekiah, a good king of Judah. It is possible that Zephaniah’s ministry took place during the reign of good king Josiah, and also possible that he had influence over the king in the institution of religious reforms. But Josiah’s reforms, as good as they were, could not persist beyond his death, and the decline inevitably contintinued. Judgment was certain, and Zephaniah makes sure everyone knows it. It will fall on Jew and Gentile alike, and he names nation after nation which will share Judah’s plight. Like other prophets, Zephaniah calls for repentance because there is still hope of restoration. In fact, he presents it as a definite event of the future. Almost all the prophets hold out hope for better days after judgment falls.
Zephaniah – A devotional thought
Zephaniah.jpgOther religions had gods that were capricious, punishing people for no reason. God has a reason to send judgment; the people have sinned with no thought of God’s displeasure. God is involved in life with us, and we are destined to encounter Him one way or another.
Many people think they can just walk away from God and leave Him behind, but they will surely find themselves face to face with God sooner or later. We reap what we sow here and now, and later we face eternal consequences.