..get a horse..

Have a heart

OCTOBER 26, 2007 (FRIDAY) – On Wednesday morning, in Houston, traffic was snarled on the Katy Freeway because a horse trailer broke down.
Reminded me of the days of long ago when those new fangled contraptions called autymobeels started upsetting the horses. “Get a horse!” was the daily cry heard somewhere on the streets of Anytown, U.S.A.
The traffic jam Wednesday was on one of the busiest freeways in the world, where construction keeps people on their guard and drives them to their knees with the hope they may not have to remain on the freeway too long as they make their way home. It’s always bad, but when a horse trailer breaks down and blocks one lane, it’s worse.
The irony of the situation, Freeway vs Horse, can’t help but make us chuckle, as long as we’re not in one of the vehicles inching forward towards the workplace.
The “old” versus the “new” is a constant theme of today’s world, isn’t it? Anywhere we go, even to church services, we face the same basic issue. The world’s changing so rapidly we find adjusting more and more difficult, particularly as we grow older.
So, I talk to myself as an older person: “Get over it,” I say, “the world is not going to stop and wait for you to get used to change.” And to the younger generation I say, “Have a heart. We’ve been carrying the load for a long time, so please don’t jerk the carpet out from under us. Remember, many of us are still paying the bills.”
“Get a horse!”