September 23, 2013 (Monday)
As Interim Pastor of the Bethel Baptist Church in Ingleside, I get to see the Olive Tree in front of the church buildings each time I arrive there. It seems to me it blooms all the time, and produces olives constantly. The tree was placed there in memory of several mothers in the congregation, and is a constant reminder of The Holy Land and the life of Jesus Christ.
According to an article in the Corpus Christi Caller-Times, olives and the oil produced from them constitute a new and growing industry in Texas. A very small percentage of popular olive oil sold in stores comes from Texas. Since Olive Oil is at its best when fresh, Texas-produced olive oil will have a special attraction for Texas shoppers.
As a food, olive oil is considered good for your health. As a beauty aid, it is an essential product in a growing multibillion dollar industry. It is used also in the pharmaceutical industry. Americans consume much of it, but it is growing in popularity around the world.
Every time I see the Olive Tree at the church, I think of a song written in 1934 by B.B. McKinney: “Neath the old Olive Trees, ‘neath the old Olive Trees went the Savior alone on His knees. ‘Not my will, Thine be done,’ cried the Father’s own Son as He knelt ‘neath the old Olive Trees.”